

Subskinians / Ihonalaiset (2023) is a web-based short film (ihonalaiset.com) that discusses the questions of self-ownership and ecological relationships. The story revolves around a protagonist, who one day notices that something unexpected is growing out of her ear. This leads to a series of events that invites the spectator to contemplate on questions of consent as well as the division of self and other and human and nature. The film is based on Kanerva Lehtonen’s short story of the same name, written in 2015.


Film by Vilja Achté

Based on a story by Kanerva Lehtonen

Screenwriting by Vilja Achté and Kanerva Lehtonen

Narration by Inka Achté

Sound design and composition by Lauri Achté

Translation by Maija Timonen

Project description by Kanerva Lehtonen

Website by Thomas Lawanson

Logo design by Hanna Valle

Thanks to Diyala Muir

With the support of SKR, Grafia and Taike